

Matthew Putman博士是一家纳米托伦科学院的CoFounder and Ceo,该技狗万滚球app下载术公司通过结合AI,自动化和复杂想象的平台重新定义工厂控制,以帮助人类聪明精神检测制造业,行业的缺陷和异常自20世纪50年代以来已经停滞不前。在纳米伦之前,Ma狗万滚球app下载tthew是Tech Pro,Inc。的所有者和副总统,该公司于2008年被罗珀行业收购。在Tech Pro的时间,他率先收购和将仪器制造商转变为新的全球市场,在15个国家成立合作伙伴关系或子公司。

Matthew和他的团队在纳诺伦科学习正在建立纽狗万滚球app下载约的第一个在布鲁克林海军院子的高科技制造枢纽。This new facility will allow Nanotronics’ artificial intelligence researchers, computer scientists, chemists, and physicists to work directly with skilled machinists on the manufacturing floor to develop innovations that will lead partner industries to a smaller factory footprint, producing less waste while bolstering speed from R&D to production. Nanotronics’ new facility is projected to be completed by Q2/Q3 2020 and aims to serve as the blueprint for modern manufacturing.

马修普德曼is an Applied Physicist who worked as an adjunct Professor at Columbia University until 2013. Matthew has published over 30 papers and is an inventor on over 50 patent applications filed in the U.S. and other countries for his work on manufacturing, automation, inspection, instrumentation, super resolution, and artificial intelligence. He is an expert in quantum computing and a founding member of The Quantum Industry Coalition and has testified in front of Congress on the importance of Quantum Research.

